Naval Designer is a CAD software dedicated to naval architecture.
You can design all types of hulls, monohulls or multihulls, sailing or
motor boats.
What Naval Designer does
Naval designer answers the great concerns of the
naval architect :
- Design of the ships in 3D
- Hydrostatic and stability calculations with trim correction
- Estimate of weights, calculation of the aerofoil center
We paid a great attention to the graphic interface for an easy training and an efficient work.
The goal of Naval Designer is not
to offer all the functionalities of the great professional softwares,
but to propose the functionalities used 80 % of time by 80% of the users.
We have an active collaboration with professional architects which can
allow us to be very close of the real needs of the naval architects.
Naval designer will enable you to carry out your projects
The navaldesigner.com
web site also wants to be a place of meeting and exchange between naval
architects through its forums.
What it does not do
Naval Designer is a powerful tool but it does not replace the naval architect
who remains the designer of the ship. The architect must refer to his
experiment, the technical literature and the state of art...
Naval Designer
To see achievements and to download plans, have a look in the
Functionalities proposes a fast
discovery of what Naval Designer does.
To know some more, read the online Documentation
and Download the demonstration
You will find all information for buying the complete version of Naval
Designer on the Sales page.
If it is already done, the updates are in the
Customer corner.
Forums enable you to exchange
your ideas with other architects
To contact us, send an email !
All boats images of
this site are taken from Naval Designer.
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