Buy Naval Designer

Three commercial versions of Naval Designer 1.1 are available:

  • Naval Designer Light (three surface)
  • Naval Designer Standard (up to 100 surfaces, Export DXF)
  • Naval Designer Pro (up to 200 surfaces, export and import of files, stability with trim correction)

We sell all over the world except in the USA where the software is distributed by Forum Marine at

Prix en Euros net of taxes
230,77 € HT
400,50 € HT
725,75 € HT
Prix en Euros including all taxes
276 € TTC
479 € TTC
868 € TTC




In more of the licence of use, you will profit from a personalized support. We are with the listening of your suggestions and try to be very reactive in the event of bugs discovered.

The upgradess from one commercial version to another are possible by payment of the difference in price.

The payment is performed by money order, or money transfer, please contact us.

For more information on the versions of Naval Designer, choose menu Functionalities.

Special Offer High-school pupils, Students

The high-school pupils, students and teachers profit under certain conditions from 40% from reduction on the Standard version.

Standard Student
Price in Euros including all taxes
289 € TTC



The high-school pupils and the students can profit from these conditions of price by contacting me. A document in proof of schooling must be obligatorily provided.

This particular licence is not appropriate to market your plans.

Ways of purchase

To get a licence of use of Naval Designer write an email to :

2 rue Bellan
78490 Mere

It is important to specify the name and the postal address of the user, his email address and the name of the company if necessary.

The payment is performed by money order, or money transfer (in case of money transfer from outside Euro zone, an added cost of 20 euros is required) contact us.

After reception of your mail, you will receive by email a password which will enable you to download Naval Designer starting from the page Customer Corner (software size lower than 2Mo).

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