Download Naval Designer Demo v1.1

You have a free access to download Naval Designer Demonstration for Windows. This version is a limited version of Naval Designer Standard.

This version can be only used for demonstration purpose and not for any other use.

nd-demo-setup_US.exe (1,2Mo)

Version 1.1 - Release 0.3 - 04/08/2004

Full US english setup including the demonstration software and samples.
This setup includes US and UK english language files

To buy a user licence of Naval Designer without any restrictions, see the Sales page.

You can consult and download the Naval Designer documentation
from the Documentation page .

OpenGL DLL for Win 95 only (before OSR2)

DLL OpenGL Microsoft glw95_dll.exe (360ko)

v1.1 (opengl32.dll and glu32.dll) for Windows 95

OpenGL v1.1 is deliverd on Windows NT v4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows 95 (OSR2). For those OS, it is not necessary to download the OpenGL DLL.
For more informations, visit

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